If you have any feedback reach out to us from, in our discord channel or #tools-fal channel of the dbt slack community.

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Milestone Name Description T-shirt size Depends on Status Owner Related github issue
1) Make fal flow work with script selectors example:
fal flow run —select +terminalscript

example runs: val [modelA, modelB] = find parents of terminalScript.py val [before1, before2] = ask graph for before scripts of terminalScript.py

fal run —before —select before1 before2 dbt run --select +modelc +modelB fal run

example fal flow run —select originScript+

example runs: val [modelA, modelB, .. ] = find first children of originscript.py

fal run —before originScript dbt run —select modelA+ modelB+ fal run

https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-technology/data-team/platform/dbt-guide/#command-line-cheat-sheet | M | Nothing | In Progress | | | | 2) Telemetry | Collect metrics on fal cli usage | L | Nothing | In Progress | | | | 3) EL integrations | Integrate Octavia (by Airbyte) scripts with fal before scripts

| XL | Nothing | In Progress | | | | 4) Parallelize fal runs | Parallelize fal runs on a single instance

Similar to how dbt does parallelization, run disjointed parts of the DAG in parallel using different threads | M | Nothing | Not Implemented | | | | 5) Fal Cloud - version 1 | Fal cloud version 1, runs all fal scripts and dbt runs in a managed cloud environment.

Fal cloud, creates a docker image and downloads necessary dependencies using temporal and runs all scripts on the same container. | XL | Nothing | In Progress | | | | 6) Fal Cloud Scheduler | Fal cloud scheduler is a simple scheduler UI that facilitates runs for fal and dbt commands on a schedule with fal cloud | M | 4 | In Progress | | |